Mediums I work with
Paradox or not, I was once an artist inside the box. Now, I have become addicted to learning new techniques. Or at least it feels that way for someone who once felt restricted within one medium.
Photography and video
For my bachelor's degree, I studied cinematography at film school, and people still often say they see cinematic elements in my work. But in my heart, I was always a photographer; even my videos are mainly still images with just slight movements. Throughout my career, I worked with analogue photography, but digital always suited me better. I enjoy the selection process and all the possibilities that digital media brings. However, I do see myself returning to analogue at some point!
While studying for a master's degree in Fine Art, I reached a point where photography alone wasn’t enough. I needed a new way to express thoughts that my images couldn’t convey, so I began to write. If you only knew what a leap out of my comfort zone that was! Languages were never my strength, and writing, especially in a foreign language (English), felt overwhelming. But I’m glad I took the risk, as this journey brought me a great deal of joy and progress in my journey.
Bookbinding and Embroidery
Inspired by bookbinding techniques I have been using in my practice, thread and paper were an appealing combination to me. The paper was familiar, but the thread not so much - There! I found a perfect mix for exploration. Embroidery instantly stole my heart. The embroideries I create are done on paper and in most cases, are distanced from it, allowing shadows to become part of the work as well.
Drawing, painting, playing
Drawing and painting have helped me accept mistakes and imperfections. During summer days, I take my sketchbooks out to capture people’s postures and enjoy experimenting with acrylics, watercolors, and mixing different media. After studying and working with photography for so long, I see a unique opportunity in exploring mediums I haven’t formally studied—a blank canvas free from traditional constraints. While this might seem like a limitation, I choose to view it as a chance to play in a new kind of box for a while :)