Understanding art and fear of the unknown - my thoughts
When we have to overcome a new skill, we usually get a little bit scared in the beginning - because we fear the unknown and because we fear failure.
The more interest we have in the subject, the easier it goes.
But what when this new skill includes opening to our emotions too?
What happens if the skill is abstract and needs to be looked upon from our own unique perspective?
The fear gets multiplied as we are now confronted with more than just a new skill to overcome - we have to evaluate the emotions that come with it too.
(I believe this is what it means to learn the skills of art.) To understand or do art is often connected to theoretical knowledge too, but most of all, it is opening up to our feelings - all of them.
It is understandable that so many people fear giving art a chance, believing they have to understand it right away and that they have to understand it all. But art is a skill like any other - it takes time and patience, and it takes courage to confront the feelings it brings - even if there are none in the beginning. If you met an engineer in a certain field, would you expect to understand what they do right after looking at their work, or would it be easier if you had education or experience in that field?
I believe art should be made for people, for an everyday person, but I also think people shouldn't expect to understand or feel something from the first visit to a museum. Art and looking at art is an experience, learning how to open your mind, learning how to let feelings open new perspectives.
Don’t trouble yourself understanding why certain artists are famous and why some artworks are worth X million, art is also an investment - but that is not its true purpose. And just like with music, you shouldn't expect that you are going to like every piece of visual art. Maybe the art you are seeing isn't bad, maybe it just isn't your jam, and that is ok. Artists are people too and they all lead different lives and come upon different problems or see beauty that maybe just doesn't impress you. Not every artist likes every art either, but they generally like and understand more than a regular person, because they have learned to see beauty in almost anything, that is kind of their job.
I believe there is no right or wrong approach to art - but you have to have one and give it a chance.
The best part is - once you do that, it will give you so many unexpected perspectives and feelings. It will help you understand others and yourself better, it will help you understand your feelings instead of fearing them.
Cover photo shows my video work Overload, presented on a group exhibition Seen in Malmo, 2020.
Photo by Johan Lundin.